I was sitting in my couch and was looking through my messages when . That is when got i got a short message from my teacher. It was a short story and was titled as THE LAST WAR. A play written by a British play writer . It was about the human destruction of mother earth.
A huge war lead to the extinction of the human race. Eventually all the animals in the world got an opportunity to get together and discuss about the current situation. All the animals were happy about the extinction of the human race as these humans had endlessly tortured the other living organisms. As they were going on discussing , the last human of the world came into the scene and begged the animals to kill him.As he did not want live as the single entity. when the animals got ready to kill him an angel from heaven swooped in and rescued the man from the animals.
This story gave me an opportunity to ponder into the present scenario of the world. I fear that the climax of this story is what is in store for the present human race.
The corona virus is causing havoc in the whole world. It all started in a city in china called Wuhan. From there the rest was a disaster. It spread throughout all the continents in the world and is still continuing to . Various countries had to make decision or the other to stop this deadly disease. while some of them took the appropriate steps, others ,in my view, did not act according to their particular circumstances. Then, a question will eventually rise in your mind, WHAT WERE THE DECISIONS TAKEN BY DIFFERENT COUNTRIES? Well ,it is your lucky day because this the precise topic on which I am writing this blog on. SO lets get started.
Democratic Nations of the world
The region had taken various aggressive measures to slow down the spread of the pandemic. As they already had an experience in 2002 with SARS they decided not to take things lightly. they began massive shutdowns and early rigorous researches to inhibit the virus. All the scientists, government officials and the employees were deeply committed to their jobs. Overall the Chinese has done their level best and has taken some good decisions to control COVID-19.
Italy has moved above china in the number of people affected and the deaths caused by the virus. It can be said that it is all due to their carelessness and misconception that they are suffering now. When the first few number of cases were confirmed in the the region, the Italian prime minister did not alert his people about the seriousness of the pandemic and took it lightly. It was a really bad decision taken by the country who is set as an example by other countries for their healthcare management.
France was the first European country affected by the virus. Even though the government had warned the public and asked them to practice social distancing and self quarantine , the public ignored their governments order and started to socialise in cafes, pubs, hotels etc.. Eventually they had to pay for their mistakes and became one of the most affected countries in the world.
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