Today’s Tasty Tale is a kid’s special Tale, a Norwegian folk Tale about Pancake.

Once upon a time, there lived a mother with seven children. On a Saturday, the children asked their mother for pancakes. the mother started making pancakes for their breakfast. As the pancake was being cooked on the stove, it heard the screaming of the seven children. they were screaming at the top of their voices.
“Mama, mama, we are hungry. Is the pancake ready? it smells so tasty.”
“O my god they are all going to eat me”
The Tasty pancake looked around and saw the grandpa also waiting to eat it. The frightened Tasty pancake jumped out of the pan and rolled out of the house like a wheel to the streets. The mother ran after the pancake. The grandpa ran after the mother. The seven children ran after the grandpa
All of them ran and ran and reached the woods. The Tasty pancake was running very fast. Suddenly it came across a man.
The man said,
“Good morning Tasty pancake, Please do not run so fast. let me eat you first’
The Tasty pancake said,
“good morning Mr Man Bran, if I can run away from the mother, the grandpa and the seven children, I can very well run away from you.”
The Tasty pancake stared running again. Then the Tasty pancake met a hen.
The hen said,
“Good morning Tasty pancake, Please do not run so fast. let me eat you first”
The Tasty pancake said,
“good morning Mrs Hen Pen, if I can run away from the mother, the grandpa, the seven children and the Man Bran, I can very well run away from you.”
The Tasty pancake stared running again. Then the Tasty pancake met a rooster.
The rooster said,
“Good morning Tasty pancake, Please do not run so fast. let me eat you first’ .
The Tasty pancake said,
“good morning Mr Rooster Booster, if I can run away from the mother, the grandpa, the seven children, the Man Bran and the Hen Pen, I can very well run away from you.”
The Tasty pancake stared running again. Then the Tasty pancake met a duck.
The duck said,
“Good morning Tasty pancake, Please do not run so fast. let me eat you first’
The Tasty pancake said,
“good morning Ms Duck Vuck, if I can run away from the mother, the grandpa, the seven children, the Man Bran, the Hen Pen and the Rooster Booster I can very well run away from you.”
The Tasty pancake stared running again. Then the Tasty pancake met a pig.
The pig said,
“Good morning Tasty pancake, Please do not run so fast”.
The Tasty pancake said,
“good morning Mr Pig Meg, if I can run away from the mother, the grandpa, the seven children, the Man Bran, the Hen Pen the Rooster Booster and the Duck Vuck, I can very well run away from you.”
Then the pig said,
“But, who is going to stop you ?We will walk toether and enjoy the beauty of the woods.”
“Yes of course”, said the Tasty pancake.
The Tasty pancake and the pig started to walk together. After sometime they reached a stream. Th pig Meg knew swimming. But the Tasty pancake was unable to swim.
The Pig Meg said,
“I can help you Tasty Pancake. You sit on my long nose and I will carry you across the stream.’
The Tasty pancake sat on the pig’s nose. Suddenly in a quick move, the Pig Meg swallowed the Tasty pancake.
As the Tasty pancake could not go further in the forest, the TastyTale also could not go further.
So little ones, we will make the Tasty pancake together, next time !!??