Ms.Arundhathi Roy, you talk about the prices of hatred and the prices of hunger in India. Yes, I too feel that India is facing a crisis, a crisis of letting reside, people like you, here rather than banishing such seeds of hatred from the country.

Ms.Arundhathi Roy, you talk about the prices of hatred and the prices of hunger in India. Yes, I too feel that India is facing a crisis, a crisis of letting reside, people like you, here rather than banishing such seeds of hatred from the country.
understand the efficiency of your nation on the basis of democratic classifications.
As a female I am hurt, humiliated and am feeling unsafe for all the members of this gender.
The first thing I saw in the morning was the crying face of a nun who wanted her friend to be given justice. It is not just for the prey ( as they have been referred now) but is for all those who have not been given justice till date for what all they have suffered. Why is justice delayed to some and unwanted protection and discrimination to some? This should STOP. There should not be any more preys and predators here. Enough of all these nonsense. As a mother I want my daughter to be safe, I don’t want her self respect to be hurt, I don’t want to see my daughter to feel humiliated MENTALLY OR PHYSICALLY. My daughter has a right to live her life in dignity without fearing anybody with all her freedom. She should stand up with courage and face the world without the fear of getting insulted, without the fear of being pointed at.
We mothers should (if not anyone else) should react against the atrocities against our daughters, we should fight.
We can all join hands and find a way to fight strongly in our own ways and from our own space.