I felt I was sitting in an enchanted forest. I felt a happy loneliness. It was like drinking a perfect sweet wine.
Tag: Arts or Humanities

Art Classes
It is said that fostering creativity helps a person to develop mentally, socially, and emotionally. Creating art may boost people’s ability to analyze and problem-solve in myriad ways. Art relates to creative thinking, broadening the mind and feeding the soul: all of which address the common fears that any person may experience in the day to day life
Art makes us more humane: it helps us to communicate in a different personal language.
Art is a form of therapy.
Working in a non-competitive, relaxed environment, any form of art will enable a person to come closer to greater personal achievements by strengthening his or her individuality and self esteem.
But apart from all these valid reasons, here in this Art class Art is taught for Art’s sake. The most important reason why a person should learn art is because it gives pleasure, being able to do want one wants provides great satisfaction.
We offer Classes in different drawing styles, Sketching, Doodling, Painting and colouring with different mediums and advanced design classes digital drawings and applications.
Working People
Bharatanatyam—A curtainraiser
Bharatanatyam is one of the most popular classical and traditional dances of India, originating from Balasaraswati which is nothing but a diversification of Natya Yoga. Its history dates back to almost 2000 years. The origin of Bharatnatyam is in Thanjavoor of Tamil Nadu inspired by the sculptures of the ancient temple of Chidambaram. Bharatanatyam brings forth into the practice the spiritual semblance through synchronized physical and emotional body movements.
The alternative name of Bharatnatayam is Daasiyattam. Earlier, Devdasis performed the natya in the ancient temple. The Devdasis were women who lived their life as dancers and worship to god by paying obeisance through their dance. The traditional form passed from one generation of Devdasis to another, generation by generation. As the dance form entered into the royal courts, the dancers were soon begin to be called as Rajanartakis, who had the expertise in perform the royal courts.
Bharatanatyam is a dance form which makes use of the combination of Bhava, Raga, Tala and Natya. Its purpose is not just entertainment or seeking pleasure but an embodiment of several cosmic relationships and expressions emanating from all the seven worlds (according to Hindu mythology). The dance is pristine and has immense knowledge immersed in it but the most interesting fact being there is no barrier for learning this fabulous art form. Age, knowledge or gender will never stand in your way to learning if you have the real passion.
Institutions offering Advertising and Entertainment Degree in Chennai
Arts or Humanities is a very diverse stream. The career horizon for those who belong to this stream of study is limit less. Students can choose from a range of career options such as teaching, social work, law, politics, business, television, journalism etc.
Also, the discipline has a lot to offer when it comes to undergraduate courses. Pathfinder is listing some institutions offering degree course for +2 students.
Today Pathfinder is listing down some institutions offering this course in Chennai as Pathfinder has listed some institutions in Bangalore in the last session.
AAT, Chennai
Advertising Club Care Centre, Chennai
Advertising Club Madras
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
AMAZE College of Animation and Technology
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Ambitions 4 Photography Academy, Chennai
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Anna University, Chennai
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Apollo Arts and Science College
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Arena Animation
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Asan Memorial College of Arts & Science
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Asian College of Journalism, Chennai
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
C.T.M. College of Arts and Science
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Chennai Film Industrial School
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Chennai Institute of Communication Advertising Club
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Journalism and Communication-University of Madras
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Journalism and Mass Communication-SRM University
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Visual Communication-SRM University
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Dharmamurthi Rao Bahadur Calavala Cunnan Chetty’s Hindu College
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Don Bosco Institute of Communication Arts
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute University
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College (Autonomous)
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Film and Television Institute of Tamil Nadu
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Guru Nanak College
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Indian Institute of Knowledge Management, Chennai
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
International Council for Management Studies
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India