People find it mostly
when they are no more
Author: KrishnaKrithika
The time that passes by
Is it the time
that makes the sun
drawn in the sea.
or is it us getting
rid of it
A message ahead of exams
The Girl from Nature
I am from Nature

Drizzles of Happiness

Sitting in the chair
and looking out
of the window
Staring at the blue sky
Where I wish
to go
But I could never
There comes the
Drizzles of happiness
Splashing in the
Not too cold or
not too hot
Wish I could
See them all day
With a rhythm
of the chirping
of the birds and
dancing of the trees
Comes the drizzles
of happiness
Washing away all the
tears and sadness
from me
There goes the
drizzles of happiness.

One thought Writing
Everyone in the earth has there own dignity and self respect it does not depend who they are but what type they are. We understand their type by daily communication. Never judge a book by its cover.
●Some steps to be a good person are
●Say good morning
●Treat equally
●Ask permission And smile
My feeling of happy loneliness..
I felt I was sitting in an enchanted forest. I felt a happy loneliness. It was like drinking a perfect sweet wine.
Krishna’s note on Krishnajayanthi
Happy Krishna Jayanthi to all